my triggers.

We all have them but some people have a greater ability for self-control.  NOT ME.  There are so many triggers that send me to the pantry.  The ups and downs of emotions, people, places, days of the week and the list goes on for me.  

It took me many years to identify my triggers and how they control my bad habits.  For me, out of sight out of mind still works the best and same with being prepared.  

I have learned through the years that procrastination, the good, the bad, stress and alcohol are all triggers for me.  When I am triggered, I go straight to junk food.  And if it is in the house, I can’t stop thinking about it until I eat it.  It can be an endless cycle of poor decisions making me feel unmotivated, defeated, tired, etc.  It makes me feel a bit crazy, honestly.  So for me, life is better without the junk.  This does not mean that I don’t have treats.

In my program I work with my clients on their triggers and creating new healthier habits.  Being aware of your triggers is essential to living a healthy lifestyle.   

emi – coach kristen

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